Saturday, November 26, 2011

Long time no see! 오래만이에요!

I suppose I haven't made a post in a very, very long time.
Delaying it at first eventually made it seem impossible to resume with something trivial. But whatdyaknow, here's another entry.
I used a lot of pictures because words are hard for me.


Outside of my window there used to be a big, wide, green space. Now construction and winter have begun, so it's mostly dirt and brown grass. They're building what appears to be a road on the right hand side of the picture. I'm going to buy some binoculars because I want to take a closer look at their progress. ʘ‿ʘ

However, my aloe vera had two children and some random green stuff started growing in its soil
and I scored some flowers randomly this week from a car vendor. I suppose that this somehow counteracts the developments outside my window. Maybe.

In other good news, I got a second piercing on one of my ears. As of this week it has just about fully healed. I wore a temporary, small earring to work and no one seemed to really mind. I won't wear an earring to work anymore since it's healed, but, because of their non-reaction I decided to let my hair grow long now.

I filled up my fourth journal today. I have three other journals I've filled since I came to Korea. I keep my doodles, finances, ideas, plans, and stuff in order in them. They're so haphazard and disorganized, but I think of this as a form of encryption. Like my personal blog, they help me keep my thoughts in order and keep my focused on my short and long term goals. Having a notebook always with me allows me to work on my own style which is, "make something that looks nice and ruin it until it looks tortured and nice once more." You might call it "well-intentioned train wreck."

I recently developed a new hobby and it is fiddling around with Adobe Creative Suite programs when I'm at work. I set my first project to be a Korean business card. I keep changing my layout/logo since I'm still exploring my options, but this is my favorite version so far. I intend to buy my own laptop someday soon, so maybe that will facilitate my work some. 
My Korean studies have been progressing slowly but surely. I feel a little more confident in everyday situations. I don't feel scared about offending people or causing too much trouble, either. I took a 6 week night class this fall that recently. I passed, but I don't know my score yet. I will take the second half of the course again in the spring.
After my night class finished I started going to a calligraphy school after work 3 or 4 days a week. There I am learning Chinese poetry. So far I've learned 28 different couplets. I'm learning their interpretation in Korean, so it's a challenge, but my teacher is very kindhearted and patient with me. The poems are mostly based on Confucian philosophy, so, sometimes they're a bit moralizing, but at other times they're esoteric and neat. This is an example page from my study book.


I'll try to post more often with more words and less pictures.
