Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lunch today

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  1. Good idea - tell us what we're looking at...

  2. So I will make a grid like the tray itself

    Rice. Fish cakes and onions and carrots.
    Fish. Mu kimchi (radish pickles).
    Some soup. Cucumbers that have been cut lengthwise and are filled with red pepper and scallions but remain intact
    Some soup. Tofu in some sort of oily spicy sauce

    The day before we had a nice noodle soup that had something like black soymilk and black sesame seeds as its broth. It was served cold and with a big hunk of watermelon. Yumm.

  3. So thankful you like the cuisine there! :) Also, a great pic to show my students next year when we discuss different cultures, so thank you for that.
